Info@Ruwanpura 2011 - Educational, commercial and Information technology exhibition. In collaboration with the ministry of education and the National Institute of Education.



  1. The president of RNCOE and the chief organizer of info@ruwanpura2011 exhibition participated to the “Subarathi” programme yesterday morning in SLBC.
  2. The members of weather casting stall of RNCOE participated to the special training programme conduct by deportment of weather.
  3. There was a special workshop for the members of hardware stall conduct by resource person.
  4. There was a special meeting for all the teacher training of RNCOE inform the how to distribute tickets for student in Sabaragamuwa province.


  1. The media conference is held on today afternoon at RNCOE Conference hall
  2. All the teacher trainees of RNCOE was participated to the school for sell the tickets of info@ruwanpura2011 exhibition.
  3. The ICBT Campus are hope to give Rs: 3 lack sponsorship to our info@Ruwanpura 2011 exhibition.
  4. Rupawahini and Run fm media reporters are come to get some information about our exhibition.
  5. Our academic vice president of the staff Mr. Ajantha Nimirathna called a meeting to discuss about the progress of selling tickets.